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RRRC Rat Strains
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to sort strains by table category, click on table category headers below
Strain Name Gene Availability Donor
595  SS-11BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
596  SS-12BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
597  SS-14BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
598  SS-15BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
599  SS-16BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
600  SS-17BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
601  SS-19BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
602  SS-20BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
603  SS-XBN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
604  SS-YBN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
605  SS-13BN/Mcwi   Cryopreserved  Howard Jacob 
49  SD-Tg(HIV-LacZ)AngRrrc lacZ gene under control of the HIV-1 LTR Cryopreserved  Ignacio Anegon 
51  SD-Tg(ICAM2-DAF)AngRrrc human Cryopreserved  Ignacio Anegon 
718  ACI.F344-ApcPircUwm Apc (adenomatous polyposis coli) Cryopreserved  James Amos-Landgraf 
782  F344-ApcPircUwm Apc (adenomatous polyposis coli) Live  James Amos-Landgraf 
783  BN.F344-ApcPirc Apc Cryopreserved  James Amos-Landgraf 
743  ACI/SegHsd
Ept1 and Ept2 Cryopreserved  James D Shull 
907  SD-Hampem1Jfcol -/-
Hamp Cryopreserved  James F. Collins 
909  SD-Hampem2Jfcol -/- Hamp Cryopreserved  James F. Collins 
911  SD-Hampem3Jfcol -/-
Hamp Cryopreserved  James F. Collins 
913  SD-Hampem4Jfcol -/- Hamp Cryopreserved  James F. Collins 
46  SPRD-Anks6/Rrrc Anks6 Cryopreserved  Jared Grantham 
57  LH/MavRrrc (Lyon Hypertensive) polygenic Cryopreserved  Jean Sassard 
58  LN/MavRrrc  (Lyon Normotensive) polygenic Cryopreserved  Jean Sassard 
59  LL/MavRrrc  (Lyon Hypotensive) polygenic Cryopreserved  Jean Sassard 
746  LEW-Tg (CAG-OFP)Pic Orange Fluorescent Protein (OFP) Cryopreserved  Jim Pickel 
702  cNLH-Cat
unknown Cryopreserved  Jochen Graw 
703  BN-Spib unknown Cryopreserved  Jochen Graw 
704  WIST-Cat unknown Cryopreserved  Jochen Graw 
916  LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705, B2M)Tg/021-3RehRrrc
  Cryopreserved  Joel D. Taurog 
917  LEW-Tg(B2M)283-2RehRrrc 
B2-microglobulin Cryopreserved  Joel D. Taurog 
918  LEW-Erap1em1Reh2786/Rrrc Erap1 Cryopreserved  Joel D. Taurog 
919  SD-Tg(ERAP1*)2793RehRrrc
ERAP1 Cryopreserved  Joel D. Taurog 
42  LEW-Tg(HLA-B*0702,B2M)120-4Trg HLA B7 Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
43  LEW-Tg(HLA-B*2705m1,B2M)133-1Trg HLA B27 Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
363  LEW.Cg-Foxn1rnu/NRrrc Foxn1 Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
391  LEW-RT1Da RT1-Da Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
392  LEW-RT1-Bm1Trg/Rrrc RT1-B Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
617  300-5   Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
618  338-2   Cryopreserved  Joel Taurog 
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