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RRRC Rat Strains
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to sort strains by table category, click on table category headers below
Strain Name Gene Availability Donor
911  SD-Hampem3Jfcol -/-
Hamp Cryopreserved  James F. Collins 
913  SD-Hampem4Jfcol -/- Hamp Cryopreserved  James F. Collins 
769  SD-Il15em1Soar
Interleukin 15 (Il15) Cryopreserved  Michael J. Soares 
851  SD-L1camem2Jgn
L1cam Cryopreserved  June Goto 
880  SD-Lrp5em2Vari/Rrrc
Lrp5 Cryopreserved  Bart Williams 
867  SD-Lrp5em1Vari/Rrrc
Lrp5 Cryopreserved  Bart Williams 
881  SD-Lrp5em3Vari/Rrrc
Lrp5 Cryopreserved  Bart Williams 
770  SD-Mmp12em1Soar
Matrix metallopeptidase 12 (Mmp12) Cryopreserved  Michael J. Soares 
720  SD-Pgrem2Soar Progesterone receptor (Pgr) Cryopreserved  Michael J. Soares 
741  SD-Pgrem1Soar Pgr Cryopreserved  Michael J. Soares 
1014  SD-Prl7b1em1Soar/Rrrc Prl17b1 Cryopreserved  Michael J. Soares 
853  SD-Sdhbem1Ast
Sdhb Cryopreserved  Arthur S. Tischler 
854  SD-Sdhbem2Ast
Sdhb Cryopreserved  Arthur S. Tischler 
855  SD-Sdhbem3Ast
Sdhb Cryopreserved  Arthur S. Tischler 
731  SD-Trim63em1(hLuc)
Trim63 Cryopreserved  Todd Kinsella/Wei Li 
850  SD-L1camem1Jgn L1cam Cryopreserved  June Goto 
861  SD-Adrm1 em1 Adrm1 Cryopreserved  Vibhudutta Awasthi 
286  SD-Brca2m1Uwm Brca2 Cryopreserved  Michael N. Gould 
539  SD-Foxn1 Tg(S334ter)3LavRrrc Mutant mouse rhodopsin Cryopreserved  Hans S. Keirstead 
61  SD-Tg (human presenilin 1) PSEN1 presenilin 1 Cryopreserved  Yuksel Agca 
650  SD-Tg (TETRA-EGFP)/Besey   Cryopreserved  Yuksel Agca 
756  SD-Tg(Adra1a)Vccr
Adra1a (alpha 1A adrenergic receptor) Cryopreserved  Robert. M Graham 
427  SD-Tg(Aqp5-GFP)ZboroRrrc Aqp5-EGFP Cryopreserved  Zea Borok 
843  SD-Tg(CAG-Flpe)QlyRrrc   Cryopreserved  Qi-Long Ying 
879  SD-Tg(CAG-GFP-LacZ)AppscRrrc   Cryopreserved  Ruby Tsai 
844  SD-Tg(CAG-loxP-mCherry-loxP-EGFP)QlyRrrc mCherry and EGFP Cryopreserved  Qi-Long Ying 
689  SD-Tg(CAG.LoxP.EGFP)Zi N/A Cryopreserved  Dusan Bartsch 
688  SD-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)ZiRrrc
Cre recombinase Cryopreserved  Dusan Bartsch 
655  SD-Tg(Camk2a-tTA)Xgx tTA (tetracycline transactivator protein) under control of Camk2a promoter Cryopreserved  Xugang Xia 
754  SD-Tg(CD59-HBA1)Bryd CD59 Cryopreserved  Marina Hanson 
632  SD-Tg(ChAT-tTA) tTA (tetracycline transactivator protein) under choline acetyltransferase promoter Cryopreserved  Xugang Xia 
862  SD-Tg(Cx3cr1-Cre-ERT2)3Ottc Cre recombinase Cryopreserved  Brandon Harvey 
748  SD-Tg(DIO-iRFP)9Ottc Infrared Fluorescent Protein (iRFP) Cryopreserved  Brandon Harvey/Jim Pickel 
928  SD-Tg(DIO-mCherry)2OttcRrrc mCherry Cryopreserved  Brandon Harvey 
873  SD-Tg(Drd1-CreERT2)AppscRrrc Cre-ERT2 Cryopreserved  Ruby Tsai 
919  SD-Tg(ERAP1*)2793RehRrrc
ERAP1 Cryopreserved  Joel D. Taurog 
865  SD-Tg(Fos-LacZ)BHope LacZ and Fos Cryopreserved  Bruce Hope 
874  SD-Tg(Gad67-CreERT2)AppscRrrc Cre-ERT2 Cryopreserved  Ruby Tsai 
876  SD-Tg(GFAP-CreERT2)AppscRrrc Cre-ERT2 Cryopreserved  Ruby Tsai 
49  SD-Tg(HIV-LacZ)AngRrrc lacZ gene under control of the HIV-1 LTR Cryopreserved  Ignacio Anegon 
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